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Building and nurturing a start-up is a huge challenge in today’s fiercely competitive corporate landscape. Not only do you need to possess top entrepreneurial traits, but also be aware of and have the resources to use innovative marketing tactics. To help you out, we’ve come up with five effective business marketing strategies:

1.      Define Your Target Audience

Before anything else, determine what your ideal customer looks like. Knowing the demographics such as the age, gender, income, interests, ethnicity, religion, etc. of your target audience helps you understand their mindset, so you can develop and customize your marketing strategy accordingly. For example, when you know that your ideal buyers will constitute teenagers or millennials, you’ll definitely want to include Instagram and Facebook in your social media marketing strategy since the segment is easily found on those platforms.

Hence, start by developing accurate brand personas for your start-up.

2.      Determine Your Value Proposition

Once you’ve identified your ideal buyer, look into how you can tailor your product or service offering to them. Think about what makes your business unique. We’re talking about value proposition, which is the most critical element of your overall start-up marketing strategy.

It refers to the value your start-up promises to deliver to customers or the primary reason why they should buy from you. It describes how you want the public and employees to perceive your business.

3.      Develop a Strong Brand

To differentiate yourself from existing market players or even tell your customers that you exist, it’s important to develop a powerful brand around your defined value proposition. Planned and built well, your brand will provide a positive image to your business and all its offerings in the minds of the customers, while also helping you connect with them.

Developing a brand goes well beyond devising a business name and attractive logo. A comprehensive brand strategy will also define your brand purpose, values, vision, market analysis, brand persona (your ideal customer), brand personality, brand voice, and tagline.

4.      Establish an Online Presence

According to latest 2021 stats, 88% of online shoppers run an online search before buying a product which is why start-ups prefer to have a website right from the time of their launch. Thus, take the time to build a well-designed, SEO-friendly business website. Then, look for ways to drive web traffic so that your targeted users can find the site. You can monitor traffic using web analytics, but keep in mind that bringing organic traffic to a website takes time, so you’ll need to be patient. Once your business website is ready, the rest of the job is to work on search engine optimization (SEO) on an ongoing basis.

5.      Leverage a Digital-First Marketing Strategy

When it comes to marketing a start-up, a digital-first marketing strategy proves most efficient and cost-effective. It’s also an easy way to precisely target users who will most likely buy from you. A complete digital-first marketing strategy includes how you’re going to reach your customers through email marketing, social media marketing, Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising, content marketing, affiliate marketing, and so on.

Regardless of the channels you use, be sure to measure the results, something that is remarkably easier with digital marketing.

Now that you have a fair idea of how to market your start-up, it’s time to get practical. Implement the aforementioned business marketing strategies to expand your customer base. For professional help, get in touch with Intellinz. We’ve got some amazing ideas and solutions for you!


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