Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes (Jampidsus) ago Febrie Ardiansyah at the Attorney General's office, Jakarta, Wednesday (29/5/2024).

Ago set son Surya Darmadi and 2 Corporate suspects


JAKARTA, STARTOGEL -Attorney General’s Office (ago) confirmed the son of convicted Surya Darmadi, Cheryl Darmadi, as a suspect in a case of alleged money laundering (TPPU) along with criminal acts of corruption origin of Duta Palma Group’s business activities. Jampidsus ago Ri Febrie Adriansyah said, it has obtained sufficient evidence to ensure Cheryl as a suspect. “Cheryl Darmadi, who is related, is the president director of PT Asset Pacific and the chairman of the Darmex Foundation, so that we can have the system as a suspect in TPPU,” said Febrie at the AGO, Thursday (2/1/2025).

In addition to Cheryl, specific criminal investigators also confirmed two corporations as suspects in Tppu Duta Palma Group. The two corporations are PT Monterado Mas (MRM) and PT Alfa Ledo (AL).

Both of these corporate suspects are developments derived from previous tppu investigations.

The AGO has taken a total of Rp 6.5 trillion in cases of alleged money laundering in business activities in Indragiri Hulu, Riau. As for the mode, the money from the crime was thought to be channeled or disguised to the Duta Palma Group plantation holding, namely PT Darmex Plantations and PT Asset Pacific which are engaged in property.


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